Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Top 11 Best Jobs For Introverts in 2020

Top 11 Best Jobs For Introverts in 2020 There are two types of personality traits people fall into: introverts and extroverts. Extroverts tend to be more outgoing and social where introverts tend to be more shy and prefer to be to themselves. So why does this matter for a job? Some jobs require a more outgoing personality and human interaction such as sales, law, teaching, etc. These positions may make it really uncomfortable for introverts as they prefer to work alone and avoid excessive human interaction or public speaking. In this post, we’ll discuss the best jobs for introverts. How do you know if youre an introvert? There are many articles and tests out there to help you determine whether you’re an introvert or extrovert. Most people know which group they fall into without needing any tests or clarification. Are you the life of the party? Love being the center of attention? Are very outgoing? Then youre an extrovert. Prefer to work alone? Are you shy? Dont like being the center of attention? Then youre an introvert. Is being an introvert going to ruin my chances at a successful career? Absolutely not! Introverts have certain traits which allow them to outperform extroverts in some positions. Introverts can be more effective at some jobs as they have been found to be more focused and creative. If youre an introvert then here are some great career choices for you. Top 11 Jobs For Introverts 1. Freelance Freelancing is an excellentjob for any introvert as it allows you to work alone and most communication is handled through email. This allows you to keep to yourself and avoid human interaction. How do you start freelancing? Is there something youre good at that other people or businesses will be willing to pay you for? Even if you cant think of anything, you can try picking up on a skill that others will pay for. Writing, design and web development are all in high demand. There are many sites such as Freelancer,Upworkand Hubstaff Talentthat allow you to set up an account and bid on different jobs. Once you build a strong portfolio on these sites, clients will start coming to you. A growing number of companies, from startups to Fortune 500 companies are allowing people to work remotely.However, finding the best work from home jobs isn’t always simple. There are several potential drawbacks that you should be careful about. This article about legitimate work from home jobswill give you expert tips to getting hired and avoiding scams online. 2. Web Development This is one of the most highly demanded skills today and its a great career for introverts.This is also perfect for introverts as most hours are spent working alone with little human interaction. There is a shortage of programmers in the United States and companies are on a hiring spree for talented developers. Median Pay: $71,966Minimum Requirements: Usually an associate degree but there are many successful developers without a degree. 3. Graphic Design Graphic designers are also highly sought after these days. Similar to web development, most hours are spent working alone. You need to have an eye for good design as well as knowledge of various programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator. Median Pay: $55, 791Minimum Requirements: Associates Degree or higher. 4. Accountant/Bookkeeper This is another career choice for introverts as most hours are spent alone crunching numbers, examining financial records and preparing statements. Median Pay for Bookkeepers: $39,682Median Pay for Accountant: $48,916Minimum Requirements: Associate Degree or higher. 5. Research Scientist This is another good job for introverts as it allows you to keep to yourself while you conduct research. This isn’t something you can get into easily as it requires extensive education. However, this field is prestigious and rewarding. Median Pay: $76,961Minimum Requirements: Bachelors Degree or higher. 6. Court Reporter A court reporter, also called a steno-type reporter, transcribes spoken or recorded speech into written form. This allows them to work most hours by themselves without excessive human interaction. Median Pay: $49,500Minimum Requirements:Associate Degree and Certification. 7. Truck Driver If youre willing to drive long miles and spend a lot of time away from home, becoming a truck driver is a good option witha surprisingly high median pay average. Its not an easy job, but for the super introverted who dont mind the lonely and long drives, its something to consider. Theres also a ton of jobs available as there is a shortage of truck drivers in the United States. Median Pay: $62,452Minimum Requirements:CDL License. 8. Aircraft Mechanic This is of course something you don’t get into overnight but it is a great and rewarding choice if you’re an introvert and want to work in a challenging and rewarding field. Mechanics in general is a great choice for any introvert as most hours are spent working alone. Median Pay: $80,499Minimum Requirements: Associate Degree andAP License. 9. Various Trades Any trade that requires working with tools and equipment is a good choice for an introvert. Here are a Few Examples: Plumber Median Pay: $43,453Minimum Requirements: None, howeverplumbers with a license can earnmore money. Construction Worker Median Pay: $30,890Minimum Requirements: None Electrician Median Pay: $58,086Minimum Requirements: Completion of ApprenticeshipProgram and License. 10. Blogger/Writer Have an entrepreneurial spirit? Good at writing? Starting a blog could be a great choice for an introvert looking to build a full-time income. With revenue from ads and affiliate deals, building a sustainable business through blogging isn’t as difficult as you think. You can check out this article on setting up a blog to make money. 11. Social Media Marketing This field is also in high demand and is an excellent choice for introverts. Most hours are spent maintaining social media accounts in addition to producing and maintaining content. Median Pay: $93,583Minimum Requirements: Associate Degree or higher Summary These are just some of the many possible jobs for introverts. Remember that you should enjoy whatever job it is you choose to do. Having a well-written resume is the first step to landing your dream job. Introverts tend to be humble but when it comes to writing your resume, you need to ensure you bring attention to your accomplishments. Zipjob offers resume writing services that are guaranteed to land you more interviews. You can even get a free resume review. Good luck with your job search! 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