Sunday, May 31, 2020

25 Things to Watch in 2011 For Job Search

25 Things to Watch in 2011 For Job Search 64 Which ideas will go mainstream in 2011 and change your job search? Every December, the J Walter Thompson (JWT) marcom agency tries to imagine 100 things that will become popular in the new year. It's a fascinating list and I thought it would be interesting to highlight the ideas that could impact job search in 2011 and beyond. Each idea's number corresponds to its place in JWT's slideshow, which you can watch at the bottom of this article. 1. 3D Printingeval Engineering designer candidates will be able to show off their work like never before. 5. Auto Appseval Synch job interview coordinates with your car and improve your chances of avoiding traffic and getting there on time. 6. Automatic Check-Ins HR will automatically know once you've arrived, saving time for you both. 9. Banner Ads Do More Intelligent job wanted banner ads + your LinkedIn profile = 1-click job applications? 15. Brigadeiro This candy looks like fried brains but if it's as good as JWT seems to think, you'll make a great impression on job seekers and recruiters for sharing some at job fairs networking events. 20. Costlier Cotton Make sure your job search wardrobe is stocked now because shirts are going to get more expensive. 25. Digital Downtime As we spend more and more time on social media, it'll be more important than ever to ‘unplug' and spend time away from your computer screen to clear your head and get inspired. I usually get my best ideas when thinking of something else, don't you? 26. Digital Etiquette If you're checking email DURING a job interview, you should stop. And I mean that if you're a recruiter too. 27. Digital Indoor Maps Auto Apps might help you get to the job interview site, but these will make sure you get to the job interview room. 29. East London Tech City One of the world's most famous cities is building its own Silicon Valley, and 5 massive companies like Google are moving in. Hires? There will be many. 31. Electronic Profiling Behavioral interviews will never be the same, with interviewers watching you on a whole new level. 33. Facebook Alternatives I can just hear it now- “Ugh. Yet another social network to be on?” 43. Ignorance Is Bliss With more and more information about you available online, more and more people will take a care-free attitude to online reputation management. Or rather, will ever more likely ignore the calls (from people like me) telling them they should care. 51. Micro-Businesses As the cost of living rises faster than salaries, more people will look for ways to earn cash on the side. If you do it wisely, your micro-business could even replace your job (search). 54. The Nail Polish Economy As people stay unemployed longer, they'll look for cheaper pick-me-ups than in the past. 56. Near Field Communication Forget to bring a copy of your resume to the job fair? No problem. Just swipe your cellphone near an NFC-aware printer and it will print it for you on the spot. 59. Next-Generation Documentarians Film a documentary of your career, put it on YouTube, attract employers looking for people like you. 62. Objectifying Objects As most resumes are now transmitted digitally, will having a physical, paper one make you stand out? 64. Older Workforce Workers retiring later = less turnover for younger (not necessarily ‘young') job seekers to fill = more unemployed, unless the economy can grow enough. 67. Personal Taste Graphs Companies will use these as another way to screen candidates. 75. Scanning Everything Employers could issue personal, unique barcodes to each employee that you could embed in your resume to prove you actually worked there. 81. Social Browsers Go Mainstream Job search with friends has never been easier. 82. Social Networking Surveillance Ignorance may be bliss for some people (#43 above) but your employers and employers-to-be will put ever more effort in checking online who you are before sending an interview invite. 83. Social Objects Job seekers can show off their skills by placing these in particularly relevant places where only a certain kind of person would find them. 93. Transmedia Producers A new profession, or at least, a standard name for what many people were already doing but were at a loss to describe. 97. Video Calling Recruiters will take sneak peak interviews over the phone to see (pun intended) if you're worth inviting to a full-blown interview. Watch the full slideshow here: JWT: 100 Things to Watch in 2011 Further reading If you liked this article, you'll enjoy any of these: Social Media Recruiting to Grow Further in 2011 Another Year, Another Job Search Begins In 2011, Increase Your Prospects With Better Differentiation 4 Lessons Learned From Job Search in 2010 Your Career Action Plan for the New Year Trends Job Seekers Should Look For in 2011 Things Every Job Seeker Should be Thinking About in 2011 Let your presence be known or send out a red flag How to find a job in 2011: Pay attention to emotional intelligence 2011 Employment Trends Supercharged with Twitter 3 Traits for Facing Weather, Employment and Chronic Illness Everything old is new again Career Trend 2011: Accountability + Possibility = Sustainability Career Tools to Check Out in 2011 What Was in 2010, What To Expect in 2011 The Future of Job Search: 3 Predictions and 2 Wishes

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